Spanish discotheque cancels prize draw for breast augmentation

Faults in flaps, slats caused Spanair plane crash in Madrid Valencia, Spain - A Spanish discotheque Thursday cancelled a prize draw which had sparked a storm by advertising a breast augmentation operation as the jackpot.

The discotheque in the eastern city of Valencia apologized to those who might have felt offended, after the local authorities and the health ministry announced the possibility of sanctions.

The draw was to be held between all the visitors who paid 20 euros (25 dollars) to enter the discotheque.

The discotheque justified the draw by saying there was a lot of demand for breast augmentation operations among its clients. The cost of the surgery was put at 4,500 euros.

Officials and trade unions accused the discotheque of promoting sexist values and risky operations among minors. (dpa)
