Spain wants West to change strategy in Afghanistan

Spain MapMadrid - Spain will seek changes to the Western strategy in Afghanistan after two Spanish soldiers were killed in a suicide attack there, the daily El Pais reported Tuesday.

Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's government will request an end to bombing civilians, improvements in coordination between NATO-led ISAF and US troops, United Nations control over them, support of neighbouring Pakistan and Iran, and measures against corruption in the Afghan government.

Spain sees the situation in Afghanistan as having worsened since the Taliban regime was toppled in 2001, and does not intend to send more troops unless the West changes its strategy, El Pais said.

"The debate must not be about sending more troops, but about how to carry out a political and military strategy that will put an end to the situation of instability," Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said.

Spain has 780 soldiers in Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).

Two Spanish soldiers were killed Sunday when a suicide bomber attacked their convoy in Afghanistan's western Herat province. (dpa)
