SlingPlayer Mobile app launched with AT&T-requested Wi-Fi limit


With a few changes from its pre-release version, the much-awaited SlingPlayer Mobile application for the iPhone has finally been launched, and is available at the App Store. The most notable of the changes in the released application is that, at AT&T's singular request, the SlingPlayer Mobile will only work through iPhone's Wi-Fi connection, thereby blocking the AT&T's 3G network!

Talking about AT&T's move to block 3G network access of the $30-priced application, AT&T spokesperson Mark Siegel told Macworld that the SlingPlayer Mobile client is available for other AT&T network-supported platforms like Symbian and BlackBerry.

Detailing about the network provider's decision to somewhat 'cripple' the SlingPlayer Mobile app, Siegel said that AT&T's terms of service explicitly forbid the use of applications transmitting a TV signal to mobile computers, a category in which the iPhone can be placed.

In its statement, AT&T said that smartphones like the iPhone are, more or less, similar to personal computers since they have the same hardware and software attributes. The statement said: "We don't restrict users from going to a Web site that lets them view videos."

Clarifying still further, Seigel said that AT&T describes the Wi-Fi limit that it requested as a concern of network reliability. Seigel said: "It's about making sure all our customers have access to the wireless network."

(Via TopNews United States. Contributed by Amandeep Dhaliwal)