Sitting near a stranger might be start of friendship

Sitting near a stranger might be start of friendshipLeipzig, Germany - Two people who just happen to sit next to each other at an event might be on the path to friendship, according to a study by the University of Leipzig.

The study showed that coincidental proximity at first meetings made a deep impression on people's long-term social choices.

Psychologists studied 54 psychology students at the start of the term. At one induction event, students were randomly assigned seats and then asked to get up and introduce themselves to the group.

Immediately afterwards, listeners were asked to judge how friendly the person seemed and whether they would like to get to know the person better. Afterwards, all students moved over one seat.

After a year, a survey was done on friendships within the group. It showed that people were much closer to those they had sat next to or shared a row of seats with at the time of their first meeting. (dpa)
