Single People As Healthy As Married Counterparts
The research team led by Hui Liu studied the effects of marriage on the health of men and women.
The recent study by researchers from Michigan State University showed that marriage has more health benefits for men as compared to women.
Researchers also found out that the difference between health standards of never-married and married men is decreasing. But it is also a fact that married men are still healthier than singles.
The researchers analyzed the data collected from 1.1 million people between ages of 25 and 80 in 32 years. The study subjects were married, widowed, divorced, separated, and never married.
The researchers also found that health of singles is improving.
Hui Liu of Michigan State University, lead researcher of the study, said that the possible reason behind the marked improvement in the health of singles is the greater asses to social resources and support that historically were found in a spouse. The study also showed that health status of all the never-married are improving irrespective of the caste, color and creed.
The researchers said that politicians and scholars continue to debate the value of marriage for Americans. They added that some supporters of the marriage institution are also popularizing the view that marriage improves health of the individual. Researchers claim that such notions can mislead the individuals.
The study also showed that the health standards of married couples are much better as compared to the self-reported health for the widowed, divorced and separated. Researchers also found out that the health standards of the previously married people are falling continuously since 1972.