Sherry Rehman submits adjournment motion on Swat girl flogging

Sherry Rehman submits adjournment motion on Swat girl floggingIslamabad, Apr. 4 : Denouncing the whipping of a young girl by the Taliban in Swat, Pakistan's former Information Minister Sherry Rehman has submitted an adjournment motion seeking a debate in the National Assembly.

"What is happening in Swat amounts to a blatant abuse of the rights of our people by non-state actors. The state cannot and must not remain silent at this heinous act of brutal violence against women," the Daily Times quoted, Rehman, as saying.

She urged the government to take note of the case and device a response to counter the heinous rights' violation on urgent basis.

Expressed her concern over the Taliban's hold on the northern areas of the country, Rehman said terror groups' grasp over nation's territory was a cause of concern.

She also demanded the government to not let Taliban circulate frightening videos.

"The government could not allow the Taliban to circulate video footage of the punishment to instill fear in the local population. The citizens should not be left at the mercy of elements who are murdering and maiming people in the name of Islam," Rehman said. (ANI)
