See Growth Recovery During The Second Half Of FY10: Goldman Sachs

goldman sachsTushar Poddar of Goldman Sachs expects growth recovery by the second half of FY10 in spite of the overhang of election and the fiscal deficit as fundamentals and macros are getting better.

Poddar also said that that as compared to the first half of CY09, the second half of CY09 would have more opportunities.

Tushar agrees with the central bank's growth estimation, and sees India's FY10 growth at 5.8%.

He said that if the banking institutions carry on slashing lending as well as depository rates, investors should see an uptick by the second half.

He also said that it is tricky to see huge stresses confronting India by the end of the existing fiscal as was at the end of 2008.

Tushar believes that the country's economic system may not go up in a linear fashion and considers there would be a seasonal break post elections.
