‘The Science Guy’ explains why NASCAR should become NESCAR
Known as ‘The Science Guy’, Bill Nye, the science educator, television presenter, writer and mechanical engineer, has made a superb statement, which explains why the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) must become the National Electric Stock Car Racing (NESCAR).
According to him, car races must be about the coming time and not regarding the past, since the world should become greener, else humans will have to deal with the outcomes of global warming.
He said that NASCAR has been celebrating a quite old transportation technology of yesterday, and is not stating so as the ‘high-tech’ used in the competition are powered by gasoline not by electrons. And it is impressive that functioning with carburetors, and cast-iron engines, NASCAR cars consume nearly 21 gasoline gallons for every 62 miles.
In a blog post on Monday on AEON, the Science Guy said, “We could convert all our racecars to electricity –drivers could probably hear roar of crowd rather than having to imagine it as they do now. And most significant from my point of view, everyone in crowd, every race fan, would want an electric car!”
He said that the electric cars’ market will go mad. He added that the cars can’t be produced fast enough by the manufacturers, suggesting that our transportation system could be converted into all-electric.
People passionate about car racing would argue that an electric car can’t reach the same potency like a gasoline-car. But, the Science Guy gave an amazing example, and said that 850 horsepower (hp) can be produced by a typical NASCAR race car, which is impressive.
Bill Nye enthusiastically concluded on Monday that he wasn’t saying that everyone should drive turbine engine-powered cars, and wants to say that racing should be about future not past. He suggested an idea of turning NASCAR into NESCAR.
According to him, the sooner the NASCAR will embrace electric drive trains, the sooner the US can become world leader in automotive technology, and also, emission of carbon dioxide into the air every time an individual drives a car can be stopped.