Sarah Palin horrifies Liberals
Washington, Sept. 21: Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has probably seen it all politically in the three weeks since she accepted the Republican party’s vice-presidential nomination.
Her public as well as her personal space has been invaded with out a by or leave, and she is turning out to be the most polarizing figure in American politics.
She may have won quite a few brownie points from the Conservatives, but the Democrats and the Liberals are leaving no stone unturned to expose her as a negative choice.
"She horrifies me because . . . I can't even talk. She's . . . she's just about every negative I can imagine in a candidate," the New York Daily News quoted a fuming Lisa Shannon, a left-leaning professional from Maryland, as saying.
However, Virginia hunter Scot Campbell describes Palin as “inspiring."
"I love her talking points. Even more, I love the whole package," he adds.
The enthusiasm on the right is there, but scratch a politically active opponent of Bush White House policies and fury erupts.
"Eva Peron reminds me a lot of why I'm so frightened of Sarah Palin," said author Naomi Wolf, referring to the woman who put a movie-star face on Argentina's autocratic regime in the 1940s.
"She was this glossy, telegenic figurehead for a police state," said Wolf, a former Al Gore campaign adviser.
Wolf sees Palin as an extension not of McCain but of the current White House.
"Look at the way she's styled - this blows my mind. Every senior woman in the Bush administration has been styled by the same hand. It's the same colors, it's the same palette, it's the same makeup," Wolf said.
"In the back of my mind she's smiling at my face and stabbing me in the back," said Hannah Suckle, an executive assistant from Manhattan.
Syracuse University culture watcher Bob Thompson said the reaction gets superheated when Palin critics, especially those steeped in women's issues - get called sexist by the GOP.
"She has the best of both worlds," said Celeste Youngblood, of Winchester, Va. referring to Palin's executive experience, conservative credentials and family life. "She has five kids. I have six. She walks the walk. She knows what I'm about. I am much more excited." (ANI)