Russian police detain over 300 neo-Nazi demonstrators

NaziMoscow - Russian police arrested more than 300 right-wing extremists in Moscow Tuesday as they demonstrated in an unsanctioned march near the Kremlin, the Interfax agency reported.

The participants in a so-called Russian March were taken away by members of the special forces OMON unit, the agency reported, citing police sources.

Moscow city authorities had not sanctioned the demonstration, which came on Russia's National Unity Day. The day celebrates Russia's independence from Polish and Lithuanian occupation in 1612, however some groups have begun to mark it with attacks on foreigners and greeting one another with the Nazi salute.

Meanwhile some 400 nationalists gathered in an officially-approved rally across the street from the seat of the Russian government.

Members of the liberal Yabloko party protested against racism in the city centre.

Reports in Moscow said extreme rightists had gathered in other cities around the country to chant slogans like "Russia for the Russians."

Human rights groups have noted with concern a rising number of attacks on non-Russians this year, with more than 100 deaths since the start of the year. (dpa)
