The Rugby World Cup moment that broke English fans hearts

Rugby World Cup
London, Oct.22 : Millions of English fans thought their team had scored to win this year's Rugby World Cup against South Africa, but Australian video referee Stuart Dickinson ruled that Mark Cueto's foot had brushed the touchline, and therefore, gone out of play before he grounded the ball in the 42nd minute.

Dickinson based his ruling on a study of video footage. Though most rugby analysts believe he made the correct call, English fans thought otherwise.

In Australia, however, Dickinson is a hero. Australian rugby fans still smarting over their team's quarter-final defeat against England, have swamped online message boards and radio chat shows with messages of support for their referee, reports the Daily Mail.

Dickinson was referred to as "the best TV ref in the world".

Writing on the social networking site Facebook, Catherine Kiernan said: "Mr. Dickinson has denied the try to England, allowing South Africa to win the Rugby World Cup. Woo Hoo! The English team are gutted hee hee."

"Obviously when we can't win, Pommy bashing is our number one sport," wrote Keith from New South Wales . "Let's face it, it was going to be the only thing we have shown any strengths in at this cup."

Scores of fans described Dickinson as an "absolute legend". Their English counterparts were less complimentary.

"England were cheated out of the World Cup by an Australian," supporter Ken Ashby said on another internet forum.

"The world saw the same video footage as him and no one could, with any degree of integrity reach the same conclusion. The reputation of rugby will be forever tarnished."

The England team refused to criticize the television referee, instead admitting the better team won.

England's fly-half and talisman Jonny Wilkinson said: "The South Africa team deserved to win - they've been fantastic all tournament. Big respect to them - it's well-deserved.

"It's disappointing, we gave it the best we had and at times we got close enough - and we didn't feel we were going to lose."

Of the try that was disallowed, he added: "It looked OK, but I'm sure the guy making the decision made a good one.

"Maybe in other games it would have gone our way - but this one didn't." (ANI)