Rubbing And Yoga Head Stands May Put Eyes At Risk

Rubbing And Yoga Head Stands May Put Eyes At RiskA new study has revealed that regular activities like yoga head stands, wearing swim goggles, sleeping face down and eye rubbing may damage one’s eyes. All these activities may contribute to glaucoma that damages the optic nerve and leads to blindness.

Charles McMonnies, a professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) School of Optometry and Vision Science, said, “Eye rubbing, yoga head stands, weightlifting, sleeping face down, playing instruments like the trumpet and swimming laps are some of the many ways of causing eye pressure spikes.” He added, “Pressure spikes are fine if you have healthy eyes. But all the people out there with these conditions, and so many others at risk of them, can be negatively affected, and many don’t know it.”

For the study, researchers have compared the pressure effects of eye rubbing and other activities. McMonnies found that eye rubbing, wiping eye and removing eye make-up increase eye pressure at very high levels. Strong rubbing raise the pressure to ten times normal levels.

Wearing goggles while swimming lengths regularly for a long period might have higher risk of eye problem. Wind-resistance instruments on high pitched notes, can lead more pressure. Weight-lifting also raise the eye pressure. McMonnies said, “Avoiding sleeping with the eyes in contact with a pillow or sleep mask may help to slow the progression of pressure-sensitive eye diseases.”
