Residents protest proposed azaan at Oxford mosque
London, Dec.27: Oxford residents, faculty and students have reportedly raised a stink over a plan by Muslim leaders to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer (Azaan) from the Oxford Central Mosque three times a day.
A formal application is tobe submitted before the Oxford Council in the New Year.
Those objecting to the two-minute call have said it will enhance noise pollution and be intrusively offensive to other faiths.
The Sun quoted Dr Allan Chapman as saying that: "People will have no choice but to have this message rammed down their throats. My fear is that it will lead to anger and resentment. The area does not have a huge population of Muslims and this is grossly unfair on everyone else.”
Gillian Rigby, a mother of two, felt that her kids would lose sleep and their peace of mind if the Oxford Council cleared the application for the Muslim morning prayer.
“This is a joke. I respect the Muslim religion, but this is not a Muslim community, so what use is this? All it will do is anger local residents and make them less tolerant of the religion and the mosque,” The Sun quoted 21-year-old student Caroline Barnes, as saying.
Elders at the mosque, which attracts congregations of up to 700, said it is a matter of tradition. (ANI)