Report: Kenyan MPs want airport upgrade for Obama

Nairobi - Kenyan MPs want to see a tiny airport near Senator Barack Obama's ancestral home upgraded to allow Air Force One to land there should he win the upcoming US elections, reports said Friday.

The Nairobi Star said that MPs from Nyanza Province believed that an Obama win was a foregone conclusion and that Kisumu airport should be quickly brought up to scratch.

The senator's father was born in the village of Kogelo, which is around 60 kilometres from Kisumu. His grandmother, Sarah Obama, still lives there.

Obama has never lived in Kenya and has only visited the country a handful of times. Despite this, he is viewed as a hero in the East African nation.

The airport, which is little more than a tiny building and a bumpy airstrip, is due to be upgraded by 2010 but is behind schedule. (dpa)
