Religious and Spiritual act a Comfort for Most Cancer Patients

A health journal Cancer-published study has found that having religious and spiritual belief has positive impact on cancer patient. Cancer patients who reported of spiritual belief witnessed fewer or less severe symptoms of cancer and treatment.

The study included data of more than 44,000 patients. After assessing the data, the researchers were of the view that patients having high levels of self-reported spiritual belief reported less anxiety and depression.

The researchers said that religious and spiritual believers were found to be having better ability to perform daily tasks without reporting many symptoms of cancer its treatment. In fact, believing that God answer their prayers made the cancer sufferers to be more social and they made more friends.

On the other hand, who thought that they have been suffering from the disease because God is angry from them and it is their punishment to be in bad condition. It is considered to be the first comprehensive study that has looked in detail at religion and its effect on people’s physical and mental health.

The researchers said that people with cancer were majorly having religious and spiritual beliefs and they derived comfort from these experiences. “These relationships were particularly strong in patients who experienced greater emotional aspects of religion and spirituality, including a sense of meaning and purpose in life as well as a connection to a source larger than oneself”, stated Heather Jim of the Moffitt Cancer Center.