
New method to reveal pancreatic stem cells unveiled

New method to reveal pancreatic stem cells unveiledWashington, April 7: Mario Capecchi, Nobel Laureate for Medicine in 2007, has announced the invention of a technique to reveal the stem cells camouflaged in the pancreas.

The achievement made in collaboration with Eugenio Sangiorgi, a researcher from the Catholic University of Rome, is important because, to date, scientists don''t have a method to distinguish a priori between a stem cell and any other cell in the same tissue.

“We can only infer that a cell really is a stem cell by observing its behaviour," says Sangiorgi.

ROUNDUP: Gates announces broad shift in US defence priorities

Gates announces broad shift in US defence prioritiesWashington - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates on Monday laid out a major shift in the Pentagon's spending priorities, cutting a range of expensive Cold War-era weapons programmes and boosting capabilities that would aid the country's battle against terrorism.

Gates said the decisions drew heavily on lessons learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and represented a shift away from conventional warfare, as well as futuristic military projects where the technology was not yet proven.

1ST LEAD: Gates announces major shift in US defence priorities

Gates announces major shift in US defence prioritiesWashington  - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates on Monday announced a major shift in the Pentagon's spending priorities, cutting a range of expensive Cold War-era weapons programmes and boosting spending that would aid the country's battle against terrorism.

Gates said the decisions drew heavily on lessons learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and represented a shift away from conventional warfare, as well as futuristic military projects where the technology was not yet proven.

Gates announces major shift in US defence priorities

Gates announces major shift in US defence priorities Washington - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates on Monday announced a major shift in the Pentagon's spending priorities, cutting some expensive Cold War-era weapons programmes and boosting spending that would aid the country's battle against terrorism.

Gates said the decisions drew heavily on lessons learned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and represented a shift away from conventional warfare, as well as futuristic military projects where the technology was not yet proven.

ROUNDUP: Fed agrees to currency swaps to provide liquidity

Fed agrees to currency swaps to provide liquidityWashington/Zurich - Four key central banks agreed on Monday to provide foreign currency to the Federal Reserve should it need to pump liquidity into financial institutions, many of which are in danger of collapse due to a lack of capital.

Should the need arise, the Fed would be able to access up to 285 billion dollars in euro, yen, sterling and Swiss francs through the new swap agreements, which come on top of previous commitments with the European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, Bank of England and the Swiss National Bank.

US launches new crackdown on mortgage fraud

US launches new crackdown on mortgage fraud Washington - The United States launched a new crackdown Monday on mortgage fraud that may have contributed to the country's worst housing downturn in decades.

The US Justice Department, Treasury and other government agencies announced a joint effort to target bogus companies that have sprouted up offering mortgage refinancing and foreclosure help.

More than 3 million people were in foreclosure in 2008, a record that helped drive down US home prices and spurred the financial crisis that has plunged the world into recession.
