
Jacko clears medical tests, may announce shows soon

Jacko clears medical tests, may announce shows soonWashington, March 4 : Faded singer Michael Jackson has reportedly got a clean cheat from medics and may subsequently make his live comeback in London.

The King of Pop allegedly passed the medical tests that allow him to sign his deal with AEG Live for up to 30 shows this year grossing a possible 30 million dollars in total.

Jackson recently arrived in Britain and is rumoured to be staying at the posh Lanesborough hotel in Knightsbridge, reports Fox News.

Workplace discrimination increases during economic crisis

Workplace discrimination increases during economic crisisWashington, March 4: American researchers at George Mason University say that workplace discrimination can increase in times of economic turmoil, as employees then feel threatened by outside factors like finances.

Lead researcher Eden King says that a study has revealed that people, who support diversity programs, have changing attitudes in times of economic strife.

The study also suggests that those in hiring positions may be less likely to hire a minority job applicant in an economic downturn, she adds.

Musicians' ''well-tuned'' brains can identify emotion

Musicians' ''well-tuned'' brains can identify emotionWashington, Mar 4: Searching for a guy who understands even your most subtle emotional signs? Well, then find a musician, suggests a new study, which found that artists'' brains are "well tuned" to identify emotions.

The Northwestern University study, which has been published in the latest issue of European Journal of Neuroscience, has provided biological evidence that musical training enhances an individual''s ability to recognize emotion in sound.

Pre-diabetic condition increases heart disease risk for the elderly

Pre-diabetic condition increases heart disease risk for the elderlyWashington, March 4: Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have warned that older adults who have impaired glucose tolerance, but are not considered diabetic, may be at an increased risk of heart disease.

The researchers, however, add that such pre-diabetics may benefit from preventive therapies.

ROUNDUP: US starts trillion-dollar lending plan, could need more cash

US starts trillion-dollar lending plan, could need more cashWashington  - US government officials warned they may need even more money to stabilize the country's crumbling financial sector as they launched a new
1-trillion-dollar programme Tuesday designed to unfreeze credit markets.

The US Treasury and Federal Reserve said they would begin directly lending up to 200 billion dollars by March 25 to help restart securitization markets, a critical component of the struggling US economy that provides loans for small businesses, cars, student tuition, credit cards and other core sectors.

Bernanke: AIG debacle the worst element of US financial crisis

Bernanke: AIG debacle the worst element of US financial crisis Washington - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday slammed insurance giant American International Group Inc (AIG) for taking needless risks and helping bring the US financial system to its knees.

In testimony before Congress, Bernanke said AIG was critical to the stability of the wider financial system, but the central bank head made clear that he was uneasy about the government's nearly 200- billion-dollar investment in the world's largest insurance company.
