
German real estate developer ECE shuts down Ukraine operation

German real estate developer ECE shuts down Ukraine operation Kiev  - The German real estate developer ECE Projektmanagement on Tuesday announced it was shutting down its operation in the former Soviet republic Ukraine, the Interfax news agency reported.

ECE Ukraine, the branch office of the Hamburg-headquartered company, will close its doors for good by March's end with all staff sacked, according to the report.

The company was freezing all operations in Ukraine for the "indefinite future", according to a statement.

Ukraine manufacturing down, Tymoshenko claims possible turnaround

Ukraine manufacturing down, Tymoshenko claims possible turnaround Kiev  - Manufacturing in the former Soviet republic of Ukraine is down by nearly a third over 2008 indicators, but recent data gives hope an economic turnaround is in sight, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said Monday.

"Practically in all sectors with the exception of energy we already are registering positive growth, and some industries are up as much as 20 per cent," she claimed, in comments reported by Interfax.

Ukraine official: Kiev has met IMF demands, billions should be sent

Ukraine official: Kiev has met IMF demands, billions should be sent Kiev  - Ukraine's government has met International Monetary Fund (IMF) demands by making politically-painful changes to monetary and fiscal law, a move opening the way for more emergency credits, a senior official said Wednesday.

Ukraine's cabinet in morning a morning session passed resolutions drastically limiting where future IMF loans to Ukraine might be spent, among other Fund pre-conditions for further loans, said Vice Minister Hryhory Nemyra, according to an Interfax news agency report.

Seven health inspectors hurt in Kiev in grenade attack on office

Seven health inspectors hurt in Kiev in grenade attack on office Kiev - Seven Ukrainian health inspectors were injured Wednesday by a hand grenade thrown into their office, Korrespondent newspaper reported.

The blast took place in the Ukrainian capital Kiev shortly after midday.

The target, a branch office Ukraine's Sanitation and Epidemic Inspectorate near the Kiev central train station, suffered broken windows and smoke damage from the explosion.

2ND ROUNDUP: Secret police raid Ukraine's national gas offices

Secret police raid Ukraine's national gas officesKiev  - Masked government agents broke into the headquarters of Ukraine national natural gas company Naftogaz Ukrainy on Wednesday to search the premises, with the country's national intelligence agency SBU saying the raid was part of an anti-corruption action.

The armed men wore black combat uniforms commonly used by Ukrainian special force police and military units, witnesses said.

The SBU assault teams totalling 20-30 troopers were moving through Naftogaz offices searching for unidentified documents, they said.

Masked men break into Ukraine's national natural gas company office

NaftogazKiev - Masked men believed to be government agents broke into the headquarters of Ukraine national natural gas company Naftogaz Ukrainy on Wednesday and are searching the premises, witnesses said.

The men were armed and wore camouflage uniforms commonly used by Ukrainian special force police and military units.

The assault teams were moving through Naftogaz offices, the witnesses said.

The entire senior board of Naftogaz had been placed under arrest, according to an unconfirmed Interfax report.
