Tel Aviv

Most Israelis, Palestinians want two-state solution, poll finds

Most Israelis, Palestinians want two-state solution, poll finds Tel Aviv - A vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians want to see a two-state solution to their conflict, a poll released Wednesday has found.

According to the survey, 74 per cent of Palestinians and 78 per cent of Israelis want to see an Israeli state and a Palestinian state living side-by-side, while the idea of one bi-national state is rejected by 59 per cent of Palestinians and 66 per cent of Israelis.

Sirens sound across Israel as country remembers Holocaust

remembers Holocaust Tel Aviv - Sirens sounded across Israel for two minutes Tuesday morning, as Israelis stood in solemn silence to remember the victims of the Nazi World War II genocide.

As the sirens sounded at 10 am (0800 GMT), traffic came to a total standstill. Drivers stood next to their cars and pedestrians stopped walking, many of them standing to attention or with their heads bowed.

Holocaust Memorial Day began Monday night with a ceremony at Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Institute, attended by state leaders, foreign diplomats, and Holocaust survivors and their relatives.

Netanyahu demands Palestinians recognize Israel as Jewish state

Netanyahu demands Palestinians recognize Israel as Jewish state Eds: Begins new cycle

Israel scrambles jets after incoming flight fails to make contact

Israel scrambles jets after incoming flight fails to make contact Tel Aviv - Israel's Ben Gurion Airport declared a state of emergency Saturday afternoon, and the air force scrambled fighter planes, after an incoming flight lost contact with the control tower, sparking fears it had been hijacked. The incoming plane, a Delta Airlines flight from New York with 105 passengers on board, managed to let the fighters know that technical problems had prevented it from contacting the Ben Gurion control tower, Israeli media reported.

From Jaffa quarter to metropolis - Tel Aviv celebrates 100 - Feature

From Jaffa quarter to metropolis - Tel Aviv celebrates 100 - Feature Tel Aviv - They stare from the photographs, some stiffly, some self-consciously, some curiously, many proudly, all of them gazing out from another era, a black and white reminder of a city's history now being reclaimed for its 100th birthday. "Revealing the Hidden City," a collection of photographs of the early, or earlier, days of Tel Aviv, is one of the projects the municipality has undertaken to mark its 100th birthday.

Israel successfully tests Arrow anti-missile missile

Israel successfully tests Arrow anti-missile missile Tel Aviv - Israel conducted a successful test of its Arrow anti-missile missile Monday, firing the projectile at a rocket simulating an incoming Iranian Shihab missile and hitting it about 100 kilometres from Israel's coastline.

Security officials quoted on Israel Radio said the test was meant to extend the response capability of the Arrow missile system and adapt it to the threats against Israel.
