
Russian anti-tank weapons to be built in Jordan

Amman - A new generation of portable Russian grenade launchers that can fire multi-sized rounds and punch through tank armour will be built in Jordan starting next year, a senior official was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

The project will be carried out by a joint Jordanian-Russian company that was established last year, Muayyad Samman, Chairman and CEO of King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB) was quoted as saying by the Jordan Times.

"The factory will be a strategic project that seeks to transfer the technology to Jordan, provide the Jordan Armed Forces with its needs of this weapon, export to other markets, create jobs and bring hard currency into the Kingdom," Samman said.

Kremlin vouches TNK-BP is safe from prosecution

TNK-BPMoscow - A top Kremlin advisor on Monday denied political meddling in the legal struggles of TNK-BP head Robert Dudley with Russian shareholders of the joint oil venture.

"TNK-BP faces no risks whatsoever to its operations in Russia, and the shareholders must decide what to do next," Kremlin economist Arkady Dvorkovich was quoted by news agency RIA-Novosti as saying Monday.

Observers have suspected that the shareholder battle between British Petroleum (BP) and its Russian billionaire partners, as well as recent legal enquires into foreign employees working at the company preface a takeover by a Russian state firm such as Gazprom.

Russia’s Sistema To Invest $5 Bln in Indian Telecom Sector

Russia-based Sistema has announced that it will invest over $ 5 billion in Russia’s Sistema To Invest $5 Bln in Indian Telecom SectorIndian telecom sector in the next 3-4 years.

Sistema has finalized a deal with Indian telecom services provider Shyam Telelink, the unlisted telecom services arm of the Shyam Telecom Group, to acquire 74% stake in the company.

Russia has also assured Indian oil firm ONGC that it will become its helping hand for acquiring stake in its giant Sakhalin-3 project.

Russian military explores responses to US missile shield

US missile shield Moscow - Russia is preparing to counter the strategic threat posed if the US sites a missile defence base in eastern Europe with military measures including specially modifying its ballistic missiles, a Russian military expert said Thursday.

"Russia's military responses to the deployment of a US missile defence system in Europe may include improving the Russian strategic Topol-M missiles with hypersonic manoeuvering warheads and a large number of jamming stations that would reduce the effectiveness of missile defence elements tenfold," said Viktor Yesin, a former chief of General Staff of the Russian Strategic Missile Troops.

Germany hands over documents on Litvinenko murder

Russia FlagMoscow- Russian investigators said Germany had handed them documents related to the 2006 murder by polonium poisoning of Russian spy defector Alexander Litvinenko in central London, news agency RIA- Novosti reported on Thursday.

German police were involved in the investigation when Russian businessman Dmitry Kovtun, now living in Germany, was found to have met with Litvinenko on the day his poisoning with radioactive polonium-210.

Russia opposes deadline for Iran's nuclear compliance

IranMoscow  - Russia said Thursday it opposes imposing deadlines on Tehran to force compliance with international efforts to halt its nuclear programme.

"We are of the view that there should be no artificial timeline, such as extreme deadlines of 'tomorrow or never,' just as there should be no endless dragging out of the process," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying on the sidelines of regional forum in Singapore.
