
ESO discover one of the most massive double star systems in Universe

Munich, Oct 22: The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has captured an image that shows a vast stellar nursery, in the centre of which is a small cluster of stars that has been found to be the home of one of the most massive double star systems known to astronomers.

Known by the name of Gum 29, it is a huge region of hydrogen gas that has been stripped of its electrons (ionised) by the intense radiation of the hot young stars located at its centre.

Astronomers call this an HII (pronounced “H-two”) region, and this particularly stunning example stretches out across space for over
200 light-years.

Micro-blogging conquers the virtual world

Munich - Posting the details of one's doings on the Internet for the world to see is all the rage right now. Micro-blogging is one recent form of short online messages that is particularly well-suited to letting other people have permanent access to the details of one's daily life. Experts expect that this type of exchange will soon become an integral component of digital communication.

Micro-blogging combines characteristics from various communications worlds. As with traditional web-based diaries or blogs, micro-bloggers create a profile with a blog service and use it to post short entries. These posts are not normally more than 140 keystrokes long - shorter than a standard text message.

Luxury for virtual worlds: Keyboards and mice for gamers

Luxury for virtual worlds: Keyboards and mice for gamersMunich - Most PC users are happy enough with a standard keyboard and mouse. Gamers, however, can be very demanding when it comes to their hardware, and manufacturers have responded with keyboards and mice specially tuned to their needs.

While these devices include a variety of extra functions, the question of whether the extras justify the significantly higher prices is a matter of debate.

Protests planned as fair for millionaires opens in Munich

Berlin, GermanyMunich - Anti-poverty campaigners gathered Thursday to protest at the evening opening of a luxury-goods fair in the German city of Munich aimed at millionaires.

The Millionaire Fair is the first in Germany, but the 14th in a series to be organized by Dutch publisher Yves Gijrath round the world in cities like Shanghai. One of the events, in Moscow, was said to have closed with 500 million euros in sales.

The 16,000-square-metre show till Sunday features 100 manufacturers of such luxury items as cigars with gold leaf in the wrapping and tablecloths with 550 diamonds sewn on.

Indian origin astronomer probes violently variable black holes

Munich, Oct 16 : An astronomer of Indian origin and his team have used the VLT (Very Large Telescope) and Rossi XTE satellite to probe violently variable black holes, providing insights into the colossal energy that flows at their hearts.

By mapping out how well the variations in visible light match those in X-rays on very short timescales, astronomers have shown that magnetic fields must play a crucial role in the way black holes swallow matter.

Like the flame from a candle, light coming from the surroundings of a black hole is not constant — it flares, sputters and sparkles.

German semiconductor group Qimonda to cut 3,000 jobs

GermanyMunich - Qimonda, the troubled German manufacturer of mass-market semiconductors, said Monday it would cut 3,000 jobs by next summer from its payroll.

The maker of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips currently employs 14,000 people round the world. Qimonda is majority-owned by Infineon, the German chipmaker, which has failed to find a new owner for the troubled unit.
