
First US supplies for Afghanistan cross Russia

russia mapMoscow - Russia has permitted the first convoy of supplies for US troops in Afghanistan to cross its territory, according to Interfax news agency on Tuesday.

The non-military supplies crossed Russia by train, arriving at the border with Kazakhstan on Tuesday, according to diplomatic sources cited by Interfax.

That initial delivery was seen as the start of establishing the trust for further such supplies, the source said.

US and NATO supply lines transporting equipment to Afghanistan have become the frequent target of Taliban attacks as they pass through Pakistan, forcing the need for alternative routes.

Khodorkovski in court to face new charges of embezzlement

Yukos-logoMoscow - Mikhail Khodorkovski, former head of the disbanded Yukos oil company and once reputedly the richest man in Russia, was in court Tuesday to face fresh charges of mishandling company funds.

Elaborate security was in place at the Moscow court for the appearance of the 46-year-old, an outspoken critic and political opponent of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

Khodorkovski, who has been imprisoned for more than five years, and his former business partner Platon Lebedev face charges of embezzling some 25 billion dollars.

Russians go to polls to election regional leadership

Prime Minister Vladimir PutinMoscow  - Voters in nine semi-autonomous republics and regions in Russia went to the polls Sunday amidst the most difficult economic crisis the country has seen in years.

Despite growing dissatisfaction among the general populous, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's United Russia party has expressed hopes of winning in all regions.

The opposition meanwhile has complained of widespread electoral violations during the campaign.

Russian Premier Putin says financial crisis "far from over"

Vladimir PutinMoscow - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned on Friday the financial crisis was "far from over" and said the government must act to stem attempts by "mercenary" political forces to organize protests on the back of the crisis.

Putin made the comments in a meeting with leaders of the dominant pro-Kremlin party United Russia at his Novo-Ogoryovo residence outside Moscow.

"We are dependent on the global economy and must note that the crisis is far from over - it has not yet even reached its peak," Putin was quoted by news agency Interfax as saying.

Yemen seeks to buy more Russian fighter jets, president says

Moscow - Yemen plans to purchase more fighter jets among other military hardware from Russia, President Ali Abdullah Salah said in an interview with Vremyna Novosti daily published Thursday.

The Yemeni president made the comments at the end of a three-day visit to Moscow, where he met with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev for talks on military and trade ties as well as piracy off the gulf country's coast.

"These (the MiG-29) are excellent aircraft. We have had them for a long time. Suffice it to say that we are planning to acquire more of these aircraft and probably MiG-35 fighters as well," Saleh was quoted by the paper as saying.

Russian Navy officials suspected in arms smuggling

Russia NavyMoscow - Russia's chief military prosecutor said Wednesday several top Navy officials were under investigation for smuggling 18 million dollars in contraband weapons for sale to China, Russian news agencies reported.

Arms dealers smuggled anti-submarine rockets and aerial bombs out of Russia to Central Asia where they were to be sold to China, army prosecutor Sergei Fridinsky said.
