London, Nov 1 : The discovery of a new species of fossilized mammal from the Jurassic era has led scientists to suggest that the basic tooth template shared by all mammals today evolved independent
London, Nov 1 : The red meat industry has united to protest against the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) Report, which has linked red and processed meat to a range of common cancers including brea
London, November 1 : Neuroscientists at Harvard University have for the first time created distinctly colourful images of the brain and nervous system by combining multiple fluorescent proteins in
London, Nov 1 : A public policy think-tank has recommended downgrading Christmas celebrations in order to favour festivals from other religions to improve race relations in Britain.
London, Nov 1 : A new study has found that during night time spiders lure unsuspecting prey using coloured abdomen stripes, which are otherwise hidden in the daylight.