
Palestinian shot in foot while handcuffed appeals to supreme court

Israel-PalestineJerusalem - A Palestinian who was shot in the foot from close range during a protest in the West Bank last month, petitioned Israel's highest court Tuesday to demand the Israeli soldier who fired and his commander be charged with aggravated abuse.

The Palestinian, Ashraf Abu Rahmeh, 27, participated in a July 7 demonstration in the West Bank village of Nil'in, north-west of Jerusalem, against construction in the area of Israel's controversial security barrier.

Star witness in Olmert corruption trial refuses cross-examination

Star witness in Olmert corruption trial refuses cross-examination Jersualem  - A star witness in the corruption trial of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has refused to be cross-examined in Israel, attorneys announced Thursday.

The Israeli lawyers for US businessman and fundraiser Morris Talansky refused to come back to Israel for the proceedings at the advice of his US lawyers.

The refusal was related to an investigation taking place in the United States into Talansky's activities.

Archaeologists find 2,000 year-old coins at Jerusalem site

Archaeologists find 2,000 year-old coins at Jerusalem site Jerusalem - Archaeologists on an Israeli-German dig south of Jerusalem have uncovered a cache of 15 silver coins dating back 2,000 years and lying in a pot hidden in a pigeon hole.

Describing the find as "exciting", Professor Manfred Oeming, co-director of the excavations at Ramat Rahel, told Deutsche Presse- Agentur dpa Monday that "if you are lucky, you can find a treasure like this (only) every 20 years, "

Israeli premier questioned for fifth time in corruption probe

Jerusalem - Israeli police questioned Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for a fifth time time Friday over two alleged corruption affairs in which he is suspected of being implicated.

The questioning lasted for three hours, an hour longer than scheduled, after Olmert requested it be extended, media reports said.

Israel Radio reported that the questioning focused on allegations the premier double- and even triple-billed sponsors for overseas visits, and used the extra money to pay for trips for his family.

He was also questioned on allegations that in the years before he became prime minister he received hundreds of thousands of dollars, most of it via envelopes full of cash, from US-Jewish fundraiser Morris Talansky.

Olmert promises to release more Palestinian prisoners

Olmert promises to release more Palestinian prisoners Jerusalem  - Israel will release more Palestinian prisoners at the end of the month, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Wednesday, as the two men met in Jerusalem to review progress in the ongoing peace talks.

Olmert spokesman Mark Regev, who described the Abbas-Olmert parley as "positive and purposeful, said the release was a "goodwill gesture and a confidence-building measure".

Ehud Olmert, Mahmoud Abbas to meet on Wednesday in Jerusalem

Tel Aviv/Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud OlmertBethlehem - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert are to meet in Jerusalem for talks over the future of the Middle East peace process, it was reported Tuesday.

The meeting is to take place in Jerusalem on Wednesday, the Palestinian news agency Maan reported, citing Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat.

An Olmert spokesman was not available for a reaction.
