
Supporters of Raj Thackeray attack Sanjay Nirupam’s office

Mumbai, Feb 5: Raj ThackeraySupporters of Raj Thackeray-led Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS

Hundreds of trucks stranded at Nepal-India border

Panitanki (West Bengal), Feb 5: Hundreds of trucks have been stranded at Panitanki checkpost in West Bengal after Nepal border was closed following a transport strike called by an ethnic group.

The strike has been called by Limbuwan State Council, an ongoing movement by the people of Limbuwan to attain autonomy for their region of eastern Nepal.

The strike, which has been going on for past four days, is intended to pressurize the police to set free the group's activists who were taken into custody.

Hundreds of trucks loaded with green vegetables, medicines, coal and other essential supplies are waiting at Panitanki for the border to open.

New Indo-Pak co-authored book relives horrors of Partition

Pakistan, IndiaLahore, Feb.

Cabinet meeting on fuel prices deferred

Cabinet meeting on fuel prices deferredNew Delhi, Feb 4 : The Union Cabinet on Monday deferred its meeting that was scheduled to take a decision on hiking petrol and diesel prices.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh headed Cabinet was to take a final decision on the recommendations of the Group of Minister (GoM) for hike in fuel prices.

According to sources, petrol price could be hiked by two rupees a litre, while diesel price could be hiked by one rupee per litre with some cut in excise duty on the two fuels.

New department to look after ex-servicemen

New Delhi, Feb 4 New department to look after ex-servicemen: Defe

'If elected Democrats may revise Indo-US nuke deal'

New Delhi, Feb 4 'If elected Democrats may revise Indo-US nuke deal'
