
We'll continue our expansion, NATO chief says in Georgia

Georgia war highlights need for cooperation, EU and Kazakhs say

Georgia calls on Abkhazia to reopen bordersBrussels - The August war in Georgia highlights the need for the European Union and Kazakhstan to work together, especially on energy issues, officials from the two sides said on Tuesday.

But the war is not likely to stop Kazakh companies investing in Georgian energy pipelines, Kazakh Trade Minister Vladimir Shkolnik told journalists after a meeting with EU officials in Brussels.

"Any investment is an economic decision and always carries a certain risk, but I imagine in this case the risks will be minimal," he said.

West, Russia on new confrontation course

London, Sept. 16 (ANI): NATO has reportedly served notice on the Kremlin that it would offer every support to Georgia''s ambitions to join the Western Alliance despite the continued presence of Russian troops in the country''s breakaway regions.

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO''s Secretary General, condemned the Russian occupation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, even as Moscow continued to insist that both regions were no longer part of Georgian territory.

The Telegraph quoted him as saying that the launch of a new NATO-Georgia commission to co-ordinate Georgia''s bid would "function to enhance and accelerate our co-operation and integration."

IMF approves 750-million-dollar loan for Georgia

Washington - The International Monetary Fund on Monday approved a 750-million-dollar emergency loan for Georgia to help stabilize the Caucasus republic's economy following last month's conflict wi

Red-faced EU postpones Georgia peace talks over date clash

Brussels - Red-faced European Union diplomats on Monday confirmed that a peace conference on the Georgian crisis, initially scheduled to be held in Geneva on October 15, would have to be moved because it clashes with a long-planned EU summit in Brussels.

"We arranged (the peace talks) for October 15 ... that was a bit of a slip-up because there will be a (European) council (summit). So it will be a little bit later," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said after a meeting with EU counterparts.

US military chief says NATO would defend Georgia if it joins

Ankara - US military commander Admiral Mike Mullen on Monday said that NATO would respond to defend Georgia if it was attacked by Russia if and when Georgia becomes a member of NATO.

"Should Georgia become a member of NATO, NATO is committed to a collective defence when any country is attacked... if that happens, if and when they become members, and that is to be determined, NATO would respond in accordance with the alliance requirement," Mullen, the chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff told reporters during a visit to Turkey on Monday.
