
1 in 5 Oz employees being sacked over leaking company secrets on emails

Emails have become an office ‘curse’Melbourne, June : An

Playstation 3 uses five times more power than a fridge!

Playstation 3Melbourne, June 3 : Game consoles like Play Station3 are likely to eat up five ti

Indian animal rights advocate says zoos are genetic wastelands

Canberra, June 3 : An Indian animal rights advocate has claimed that zoos are just genetic wastelands that have no real point in the modern world.

UFO 'dive-bombs' elderly couple on highway Down Under!

Melbourne, June 3 : Looks like aliens from outer space are no longer restricted to the movies and cartoons.

Male Oz strippers cancel show - after clothes get stolen!

Melbourne, June 3 : Aussie male strip review The Thunder From Down Under had to ax a leg of its US tour because they were left with nothing to wear after their van was stolen.

Pringles can designer buried in his own creation!

Melbourne, June 3: The designer of the Pringles potato crisp packaging system was so proud of his creation that a part his ashes have been buried in one of his iconic cans.
