
Oz PM office still withholding 15 documents from Dr Haneef’s lawyers

Dr Mohamed HaneefMelbourne, June

Australian setback for internet auctioneer eBay

Sydney - eBayInternet auctioneer eBay said Tuesday it would c

Australian police may charge injured parachutist

Australia PoliceSydney - A parachutist seriously injured when a 268-metre jump from th

Wealthy 92-year-old Saudi man banned from marrying child bride

Melbourne, June 16 : A 92-year-old wealthy Arab man has been banned from marrying a poor teenage girl, 75 years younger than him.

Oz workers find the office a ‘safe’ hunting ground for love

Melbourne, June 16 : Meeting one’s partner at work is nothing new but the trend is catching on really fast Down Under.

Italian woman locked up by family for 18 years for being unmarried mum

Melbourne, June 16 : An Italian woman kept prisoner by her family for almost two decades for having a baby out of wedlock has been rescued by the police.
