Pushed by strong sales, Ranbaxy is back in green

Ranbaxy-LaboratoriesRanbaxy Laboratories has reported a consolidated profit after tax of Rs. 262 crore, for the December ending quarter.

Last year, the pharmaceutical company had reported a loss of Rs. 679.8 crore for the same period, mainly due to forex losses and lower sales in certain key markets.

This swing has been possible because of the rise in sales of its drugs, mostly in the US market. The company reported that the sale, for the above mentioned quarter, was at Rs. 2,269.9 crore. This is higher than Rs. 1,909.6 crore worth of turnover that it had last year.

In the US market, Ranbaxy saw the sales grow by 78 per cent to reach Rs. 755.7 crore. As for the European markets, the figures were at Rs. 376.7 crore, which means a 2 per cent rise over the same period last year.

Discussing the figures, Ranbaxy Laboratories' CEO and Managing Director Atul Sobti said that the company has managed to realize and use many opportunities. It has also judiciously managed the challenges that were present in front of it.

Mr. Sobti further added that Ranbaxy has seen its revenue rise in its key business areas and geographical zones.

It has also launched two First-to-File (FTFs) in US.