Prisoners watching hardcore porn on Oz Government computers!

Melbourne, June 2 : Illegal Indonesian fishermen are accessing hardcore pornography on Federal Government computers at Darwin's immigration detention centre in Berrimah.

According to the Northern Territory News, security guards have caught several prisoners downloading and watching porn in the past couple of weeks, reports News. com. au.

The report was confirmed by Canberra's Department of Immigration.

The porn scandal comes after the Northern Territory News revealed that fishermen who say they are under the age of 18 are being housed in a motel and are taken on excursions to the cinema.

Prisoners at the detention centre have two computers to use in the recreational area.

The computers have Internet access, supposedly so that the detainees can research legal information for themselves.

While accessing the computer, the prisoners are supervised by contracted security guards.

However, the Northern Territory News reported that detainees have been gathering around computer terminals in groups to block security's view of the screen.

Michael Corkill, Department spokesman, said that the rules for Internet access were completely explained to the prisoners and they were not allowed to access pornography.

In detention, the men have access to telephones, outdoor recreational areas, a purpose-built beach volleyball court, satellite TV with Indonesian programs and tea and coffee making facilities. (ANI)
