Pregnant pets and pregnant women have same needs
Hamburg - From morning sickness to ultrasound examinations, the symptoms and medical treatment that pregnant women experience are well known.
But what about pets? What should owners do when their dogs and cats get pregnant? Firstly, they should recognize that, as in humans, pregnancy is not an illness, said Thomas Steidl, a veterinarian from Tuebingen, Germany. But at the same time, owners should not take
their pet's condition too lightly.
"As soon as you know that your animal is pregnant, you should take it to a veterinarian for a check-up and if necessary have it dewormed," said Katrin Umlauf of the German animal protection association in Bonn. After that, the animal should be brought to the vet, if there are complications. But first the owner has to determine whether their animal is indeed pregnant.
"Recognizing a pregnancy is not so easy," said Umlauf. It will become visible when the abdomen starts to swell, but that's about halfway through the gestation period. Changes in behaviour usually appear around that time as well. The gestation period for both dogs and cats averages 63 days.
"It can be that the animal during this time becomes more cuddly," said Umlauf. If the owner knows about the pregnancy, she advises them to give the animal a chance to withdraw "because it will be a bit more lethargic."
Even dogs that are especially sporty should avoid excessive activity.
"Continue taking a daily walk as usual," said Udo Kopernik of a German association for dog enthusiasts in Dortmund. Special dog food is not necessary, but the dog should not overeat.
"Weight gain strains the skeletal structure and when puppies grow too large in the womb because of excessive feeding it makes delivery more difficult," said Kopernik. Around the end of the pregnancy, a return to the usual amount of food dished out in small portions three times a day is recommended for both dogs and cats.
"The puppies take up space in the abdomen, and when the dog eats too much at once, it presses on the stomach and intestines," said Kopernik.
About one week before the birth, the expecting bitch will want to build a nest. She will scratch and dig in the garden, if there is one available.
"At this time the owner should prepare an open-topped box and put it out for the animal - a den in which she can deliver the puppies," said Steidl. It should not be too small so that the puppies also have space. And it needs high sides so that they can't climb out.
Even owners with little experience will notice when the animal is about to give birth.
"There will be 'music' in the house," joked Kopernik. "Dogs will be quite anxious and will pant and have jittery muscles."
Some owners may want to measure their pet's temperature, which drops about two degrees to about 37 degrees centigrade about 24 hours before labor begins, said Steidl. A cat's temperature also sinks about one degree, but most cats will not allow their owner to get near them with a thermometer. Apart from that, cats are relatively uncomplicated.
"They seek out a den themselves," said Umlauf. It could be a drawer or a corner somewhere that they love. The animal experts say cats that are allowed outside should stay in for one week before giving birth. (dpa)