Pranab Mukherjee Terms The Hoax Calls As Diverting Tactics

External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee denied having made any phone call to Pakistan President when Mumbai was under siege by terrorists, calling the hoax calls a means of diverting attention from India’s case that the Mumbai attacks had a Pakistani hand behind them.

“I have seen several misleading stories about a hoax telephone call from me to President Zardari of Pakistan,” Mr Mukherjee said in a statement.

“We were informed by friends from third countries that Pakistan President Zardari believed that he had received a threatening telephone call from me on Nov 28, after the attack on Mumbai. We immediately clarified to those friends, and we also made it clear to the Pakistan authorities, that I had made no such telephone call,” he said.

Further, Mr. Mukherjee said, “It is, however, worrying that a neighbouring state might even consider acting on the basis of such a hoax call, try to give it credibility with other states, and confuse the public by releasing the story in part. I can only ascribe this series of events to those in Pakistan who wish to divert attention from the fact that a terrorist group operating from the Pakistani territory planned and launched a ghastly attack on Mumbai.”