Pervez Musharraf points to rural-urban divide on emergency

Islamabad, Nov 20 : Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf has justified his decision to impose a state of emergency in his country, saying that country's majority population, who resides in rural areas, are supporting him.

The General said that few non-government organisations based in urban areas are carrying out the protests against the emergency.

In an interview with Fox News channel that was telecast by the state-run PTV on Monday night, Musharraf urged the media to adhere to the code of conduct that came into force in the wake of imposition of emergency.

"The code of conduct does not mean that they should not criticise," the Daily Times quoted Musharraf, as saying.

The government wants the media not to carry out defamation, distortion of facts, vulgarity and humiliation of the country's esteemed organisations and institutions," he added.

Commenting on the worldwide condemnation of his decision to impose emergency and detain large number of political workers and activists, Musharraf said that the world must understand the ground realities there and should not be "misled by a few opposition leaders who wanted to undermine him."

He accused former Prime Minister and PPP leader Benazir Bhutto of misleading the world by portraying a false picture that elections would be postponed or the democratic process would be completely halted in the country. (ANI)
