Pervez Musharraf may resign in today’s ‘Address to the Nation’

Pakistan President Pervez MusharrafIslamabad, Aug 18: Amid speculations that he might step down and fly to a different country to spend his retired life, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf is today scheduled to address his countrymen at 1.00 p. m.

Sources close to him said that the President could announce his resignation in today’s address to the nation.

“President Musharraf has made up his mind to resign before the impeachment motion is tabled in the assembly,” The News quoted the sources as saying.

According to them, some friendly countries were trying to broker a deal to protect and save President Musharraf. “President Musharraf has agreed to resign on the condition that he would be given indemnity and would not be tried, sources said, and added that Musharraf’s address to the nation was a part of that understanding.

However, President’s spokesman Rashid Qureshi said that he would not resign and added that he was unaware of any decision regarding resignation. He later confirmed that Musharraf would address to the nation at 1pm afternoon today. (ANI)

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