Van Damme

Van Damme’s New Action Comedy - JCVD

Van Damme’s New Action Comedy - JCVD Jean-Claude Van Damme's new action comedy JCVD has the Muscles From Brussels playing a version of himself i. e. a Belgian actor caught up in a random bank robbery, in what one can only assume is a semi-autobiographical movie. There are some funny moments in the beginning, admittedly; however, soon as the movie begins to get serious, one finds them quickly tapering off.

Jean-Claude Van Damme puts movie on hold for dog

Jean-Claude Van DammeNew York, Nov 4 : Belgian martial artist and actor Jean-Claude Van Damme has cancelled promotional appearances for his new flick ‘JCVD’ to take care of a puppy.

Van Damme, who earned himself the nickname “Muscles From Brussels”, had recently adopted seven dogs from Bangkok, and one of them is said to be in a coma.

“Van Damme will stay in Thailand to see this dog through this very trying time,” the New York Post quoted a source as saying.

‘JCVD’ is a fictional biopic about an action star who struggles with financial problems and a custody battle.