Joe Lieberman

Lieberman says right time for America to reconcile and rebuild under Obama

Washington, Nov. 20 : Senator Joe Lieberman, and Independent and a close friend of John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate in 2008, has said that the time is right for America to reconcile with its myriad problems and rebuild under the Obama administration.

In an interview with Kate Couric of CBS, Lieberman said: “I think it''s so clear now that America''s house is being threatened by fire that all of just got together and help to put out that fire and rebuild the house.”

A Grand Democrat Pardon For Joe Lieberman

Joe LiebermanWith the future at stake, letting bygones be bygones, it was a forgiving day all around in the world's clubbiest legislative body - the American Senate, when Senate Republicans unanimously re-elected their leadership and the Democrats refrained from turning cannibal on Joe Lieberman.

Former Democrat Joe Lieberman brings moderates to McCain's cause

St Paul, Minnesota - Former Democrat Joe Lieberman brings moderates to McCain's causeJoe Lieberman, a former Democratic presidential candidate and running mate of Al Gore, completed a political transformation by addressing the Republican Party's convention and making an impassioned plea for voters to support its presumptive nominee John McCain.

Lieberman said Tuesday night that it was time to put partisan politics aside, touted McCain's record as an independent and argued the Arizona senator was the presidential candidate best able to bring change to Washington.