Jamie Oliver

Celeb chef Jamie Oliver becomes UK’s biggest selling author

Celeb chef Jamie Oliver becomes UK’s biggest selling authorLondon, Mar 25 : British chef Jamie Oliver has become the country's biggest selling author after sales of his cookbooks leapt by more than 20 per cent last year.

With his latest cookery book, Jamie''s Ministry of Food, Oliver pipped Khaled Hosseini, James Patterson and J. K. Rowling by pulling down more than 11.5 million pounds in sales in 2008.

However, things were not so bright for Nigella Lawson, who saw revenue from her books drop by 35 per cent, reports The Telegraph.

Jamie Oliver to whisk 10-course-meal for Presidents'' G20 meet in London

Jamie Oliver to whisk 10-course-meal for Presidents'' G20 meet in LondonLondon, March 22 : British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has asked celebrity chef Jamie Oliver to prepare a 10-course meal for President Barack Obama and other world leaders when they visit London in April for the G20 meet.

The British chef had won the support of many for his role in campaigning against the use of processed foods, especially in national schools.

Jamie Oliver becomes animal rights protestors’ target in pork campaign

Jamie Oliver becomes animal rights protestors’ target in pork campaignLondon, Mar 19 : Brit chef Jamie Oliver, 33, has become animals rights group Peta’s target after his flagship restaurant Fifteen promoted British pork.

In his television show investigating pig welfare standards, Oliver had urged people to buy British rather than cheaper pork produced abroad under poorer conditions.

“The answer to saving pigs is not to buy British pork, it''s to go vegetarian,” the Telegraph quoted Peta as arguing.

Jamie Oliver’s school meals campaign helps pupils’ performances: Study

Jamie OliverLondon, Feb 4 : The school meals started by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has shown to be responsible for the pupils getting better exam results, a new study has revealed.

Researchers found that children who follow the healthy diet were less likely to stay away from school, and that absenteeism also fell by
15 per cent.

The study also found that 11-year-olds, who have been on the diet for 12 months, improved by eight per cent in science and six per cent in English at Key Stage 2.

Jamie Oliver to cut back on swearing on TV

Jamie OliverLondon, Dec 15 : Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver''s swearing is to be cut in his future TV programmes- as part of the Mirror''s campaign for a crackdown on offensive language.

Oliver has been criticised for his frequent use of bad language on-air and will now be subject to more stringent editing before his shows are transmitted.

His production company has promised it will "respond to public concern" after he was criticised for excessive use of the f-word.

Jamie Oliver says pregnant wife has craving for hot water bottles

Jamie OliverLondon, Nov 12 : Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, 33, has revealed that his pregnant wife Jools has developed an odd craving for hot water bottles.

The Naked Chef, as he is known, also revealed that Jools, 34, had a hunger for “retro” food from her childhood.

“Basically she’s an eating machine and I’m feeding her,” the Sun quoted him as telling US chat show host David Letterman.

“She’s gone back to retro food — fish paste, all that stuff from her childhood. She’s dipping bananas in vegemite.
