Hillary Clinton

West Virginia heads to the polls, Clinton hopes for big win

Hillary ClintonWashington - Voters in West Virginia headed to the polls Tuesday in the latest

Obama, Clinton, fine-tune messages as Obama gains steam

Washington  - Obama, Clinton, fine-tune messages as Obama gains steam

Ted Kennedy thinks Hillary Clinton too qualified to be VP

New York, May 10: Veteran Democratic Party Senator Ted Kennedy has already lost favour with Hillary Clinton after he decided not to back her for this year’s bid for the White House.

Clinton rolls on as Democrats, media see writing on the wall

Hillary ClintonWashington  - Barack Obama insists that he doesn't want to get ahead of himself, but a growing number of prominent Democrats and newspaper editorials have suggested it may be time for rival candidate Hillary Clinton to make a graceful exit.

A litany of US media outlets reported Thursday that the "math" just wasn't there anymore for Clinton to capture the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, after she lost badly in North Carolina and barely won Indiana in the latest round of primary elections earlier this week.

Michigan thrashes out deal to be heard in Democratic race

Washington  - Presidential race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton congratulates Israel on 60th birthday

Senator Hillary ClintonWashington - Senator Hillary Clinton, who is battling to k
