Patriotic Chinese epic sets new box office record in Hong Kong

Hong Kong - A patriotic film about China's 1949 Communist revolution screened on National Day in Hong Kong has set a box office record, according to figures released Friday.

The film, the Founding of a Republic, which features cameo appearances by stars including Jackie Chan, took in 1 million Hong Kong dollars (129,000 US dollars) on its opening day Thursday.

The takings are a record opening for a mainland Chinese film in Hong Kong where 37 different cinemas screened the movie to coincide with Thursday's 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.

More than 170 stars from China and Hong Kong make cameo appearances in the film including Jackie Chan, Andy Lau and Jet Li. Chan appears as a Hong Kong journalist.

The movie will run for at least a fortnight in most Hong Kong cinemas and is expected to make 5 million Hong Kong dollars (645,000 US dollars).

The screening of the movie was the second most popular National Day event in Hong Kong Thursday after the 400,000-US-dollar fireworks display over Victoria Harbour, which was seen by a crowd of 350,000.

Former British colony Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty in 1997 under a "one country, two systems" arrangement guaranteeing the city of 7 million freedom of speech and political autonomy. (spa)