Palm releases WebOS 1.1 for Pre; iTunes syncing advantage brought back!a

Palm releases WebOS 1.1 for Pre; iTunes syncing advantage brought back!aIn its attempt to make its Pre smartphone alluring to businesses of all sizes, Palm released its webOS 1.1 on July 23, thereby bringing a number of additions to Palm's support for Exchange ActiveSync - including, among other things, PIN/password requirements, remote wipe, inactivity timeout, and enhanced certificate handling.

Elaborating on the 'goodies' accompanying the Palm webOS Version 1.1, John Traynor, the company's VP of Business Products, said that other enterprise-friendly improvements, like emoticons' support with text, multimedia, and instant messages; and the advantage of setting "person reminders" in the Contacts app; and the addition of Sprints NFL Mobile Live app to allow users watch or listen to live NFL games on their smartphones.

The latest update by Palm, like all other updates, would be delivered to the Pre over-the-air.

The complete list of the new features and enhancements of its software update on the company's official blog ended with a rather laid back addition from the Pre maker, going thus: "Oh, and one more thing: Palm webOS 1.1 re-enables Palm media sync. That's right - you once again can have seamless access to your music, photos and videos from the current version of iTunes: 8.2.1."

Indeed, the webOS 1.1 released for the Palm Pre has brought back the Apple iTunes syncing advantage, even with Apple's recently-updated version - 8.2.1 - of the software, which had disabled the feature!