Oz court blasts police for another Mohamad Haneef-like prosecuting episode

Mohammed HaneefSydney, Nov.12 : A New South Wales Supreme Court judge today found that Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) officers had run roughshod over the civil rights of a 24-year-old medical student, Izhar Ul-Haque, in late 2003.

Comparing Ul-Haque’s plight to what had transpired with Bangalore-born Doctor Mohamad Haneef, his solicitor, Adam Houda, said Ul-Haque was kidnapped, detained unlawfully and police trespassed into his parent's home.

"This has been a moronic prosecution right from the start. The terror laws were introduced, supposedly, to catch terrorists, not brilliant young men like Izhar Ul-Haque. From the beginning this was no more than a political show trial, designed to justify the billions of dollars spent on counter terrorism, “The Australian quoted Houda, as saying.

"It's been one bungled prosecution after another. We've all seen the disgraceful conduct afforded against Dr Haneef and today you've heard of the disgraceful conduct meted out against my client Izhar Ul-Haque," he added.

Ul-Haque, who has just completed his studies at the university of New South Wales, was charged with training with the terrorist organisation, Lashkar-e-Toiba, in 2003, before it became an outlawed group.

He was accused of receiving weapons and combat training from the organisation during a visit to Pakistan in January and February 2003. His barrister Ian Barker QC said his client should have been acquitted rather the charge simply being withdrawn.

Justice Michael Adams ruled on November 2, that Ul-Haque's admissions to ASIO and the AFP about his activities in Pakistan had been obtained improperly. Justice Adams said the ASIO agents had only a search warrant and had no power to detain him.

He described the interviews and the actions of the ASIO agents and reminiscent of Kafka.

Prosecutor Geoff Bellew SC told the court this morning the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions would not appeal the decision and there would be no further action. (ANI)
