OSCE welcomes Russian withdrawal from Georgian buffer zones

GeorgiaHelsinki - The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Thursday welcomed Russia's withdrawal from buffer zones set up near the separatist province of South Ossetia in Georgia, Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb said.

Finland currently holds the chair of the 56-nation organization.

OSCE military observers had "observed the withdrawal," Stubb said in a statement.

OSCE observers, however, reported that Russian troops have not withdrawn from the Alkhagori area, he added.

Stubb said he looked forward to talks due in Geneva next week on on the situation in Georgia.

OSCE aimed to work with the United Nations and the European Union, he said, adding that a priority was to help displaced persons return.

Under an EU-brokered ceasefire, Moscow has until Friday to withdraw its troops from positions inside Georgia held since its five-day war with Georgia in August. (dpa)