Orange ruining its image

Orange ruining its imageGrief stricken William Harrison a university student has been quite annoyed with its service provider - Orange. He was billed with a £8000 by Orange UK for using his Mobile Broadband.

The victim of the incident used his mobile services outside the country and then the blow of the amount fell on him after returning to his country. This is against the previous year's European law which prevented people from 'bill shocks'. It was a measure which worked as a switch when the bill reached its designated limit i. e. 50 Euros (users can also specify a different cut-off limit).

This was in lieu with regard to put a new cut-off limit in place which some operators reinforced.

According to the sources, 'Orange's customer service agent apparently told Harrison that the modem would work fine in France. However the agent failed to inform him that it's 3GB usage allowance would not apply outside of the UK'.

Orange denied to agree with reports and kept numb to give any say. It is the money of Harrison which is put at stake and if the case persists like this then the telecom operator has to see a tough time ahead.