Only 15% Americans eatFruits and Vegetables: Survey

A recently conducted survey has showed that approximately only 15% of the United States population includes fruits and vegetables in their diet, and the remaining 85% of the population prefers fast food regime.

The survey also indicated that Americans do not spend good enough time in eating foods that are considered necessary for the body. Instead, people opt for fast food, such as fries, burgers, and so on, without being aware of the fact that these foods can seriously affect your body.

Researchers said that the trend is no longer new to them as the situation now is as same as it has been for past several years where fruit and vegetable consumption was considerably lower.

Before the recent statistics, the statistics had gone even lower to 7.5% in states such as Tennessee, which nutritionists say is worrisome.

The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention (CDC) conducted and reported the survey with Latetia V. Moore as the study author.

Moore said the recent results are quite shocking given the fact that Americans are very aware of the negative impact of vegetable and fruit insufficient diet.

According to doctors, the main reason behind insufficient fruit and vegetable consumption among Americans is basically the lack of time in preparation of food. They said people are so busy in their current lifestyles that they get no time to prepare meals, and thus they have to go for fries and burgers as their way of saving time.