One-on-One Tutoring can reduce math anxiety in children

A new research has found a way to relieve math anxiety among children. As per the researchers, one-on-one mathematics tutoring programme can help children in getting comfortable with the subject. The researchers said that the measure not only reduces anxiety, but also improves anxiety.

Study's senior author Vinod Menon from Stanford University School of Medicine in California, US, said that they were quite excited as they were able to find a solution to the problem of math anxiety among children.

Researchers said that there are many children who feel anxiety even if they are good in this subject. For some, the anxiety problems remain throughout their life. Owing to which, they do not opt advanced math and science-related careers.

In the study, 46 children studying in third grade were included. Before the solution was tested on these children, each child took a test that assessed his or her level of math anxiety. The researchers found that the brains scans of children having high levels of math anxiety showed activation in the brain's fear circuits.

After this, the children took part in an eight-week tutoring programme that comprises of 22 lessons involving addition and subtraction problems. All the children received tuitions one-to-one basis. The researchers said that the children started performing better on addition and subtraction problems.

Their levels of anxiety have also reduced. Study's lead researcher Kaustubh Supekar from Stanford University said, "It is reassuring that we could actually help these children reduce anxiety by mere exposure to problems".