Official dates out for Xbox 360 USB

Official dates out for Xbox 360 USBIt is publicized and supposedly is true; the Microsoft Xbox 360 will start featuring the USB storage from April 6.

The option of USB, which is available up to 16 GB capacity, would be available for all by April 6, said Larry Hryb, Director of Programming for Xbox Live.

Promised as earlier, it can store all the game demos and videos up to the specified limit giving an ease to the endless traumas of saving games and reinstalling on external hard drives. The hitch in drives lower than 1 GB was that they can be used only once, but it is not the case for the devices of higher capacity.

However, it gives a new dimension to file transfer utility, making data move from Xbox's hard drive to a USB drive and vice versa in an easy manner.

It is also rumored that SanDisk USB sticks would also be made available for the Xbox platform, which is different from normally applied procedure of formatting the USB and then plugging-in, in case of Xbox.