Obama''s Kenyan relatives celebrate his White House victory

Poll: Danes would elect Obama in landslide Barack ObamaKogelo (Kenya), Nov. 5 : Relatives of U. S. President elect Barack Obama are celebrating his victory in Kogelo in western Kenya.

According to a report in the Guardian, Obama’s Kenyan relatives streamed out of Mama Sarah''s compound, dancing and singing loudly in the local Luo language: "We are going to Obama, we are going to the White House."

Sarah Obama, his 86-year-old grandmother, beamed as she hugged relatives, who were jumping up and down with joy.

Many of them had stayed awake all night to watch the results on generator-powered televisions in the tiny village. They believed their man would win but were still fearful something could go wrong.

By dawn any lingering apprehension had disappeared. There were cheers when it was announced that Obama had won Ohio and Pennsylvania. George Obama, the youngest sibling of the US president-elect, said: "I think my brother is going to be the next president."

Outside the house of Barack Obama Senior, who was born in Kogelo and is buried here next to Mama Sarah''s home, a woman shrieked when she heard the CNN announcement: "Barry has won! Barry has won!" A new song broke out: "Obama is coming, Bush can you pave the way?"

Biosa Obama, 39, who is married to Obama''s half-brother Bernard, said she had fallen asleep at 3 a. m., only to be woken by excited family members two hours later. "I can''t believe this has come true. It''s going to be so good for the world."

There was also jubilation elsewhere in Kenya, which claims Obama as its own son. Hotel bars in Mombasa stayed open through the night so guests could watch the results come in, while in the slums of Nairobi there were raucous celebrations even before Obama''s victory was certain.

Describing the result as momentous, the Kenyan president, Mwai Kibaki, declared Thursday a public holiday.

At the village dispensary in Kogelo, where hundreds of people sat through the night watching the news on a large outdoor screen erected by a local television company, a pastor thanked God for the Obama win before a church band began playing and local residents streamed into the compound waving branches and singing.

At Mama Sarah''s house, which is being guarded by policeman due to the extreme media interest, a huge party was expected after a family press conference later in the morning.

Several cows and dozens of chickens are due to be cooked for the relatives staying on the property, some of whom have flown in from the UK and US. (ANI)
