India to invest Rs. 7.5 billion in Delaram-Zaranj road in Afghanistan

New Delhi, Dec 13: The Union Cabinet toady gave its approval for up-gradation/construction of road from Zaranj to Delaram in Afghanistan at the cost of Rs. 746.79 crores (Rs. 7.5 billion approximately).

The project will be executed by the Border Roads Organisation.

"The construction of the road from Delaram to Zaranj would help Afghanistan to provide communication facility in remote parts of the country, " a Cabinet release said, adding: "It will demonstrate Government of India's commitment to the rebuilding of Afghanistan. "

Additionally, it would give India improved access into Afghanistan and Central Asia, the release said.

This would also open an alternate route for Afghanistan to an Iranian seaport.

"India's presence in general would further strengthen our interests in Afghanistan, " the release said. (ANI)
