EU backs Spain's attendance at economic summit

EU backs Spain's attendance at economic summit Madrid - European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on Monday gave his backing to Spain's aspiration to attend an economic summit in Washington, to which Spain has not been invited.

The presence of one of the world's biggest economies at the economic summit in mid-November would be "very useful" for the international community, Barroso said at a joint press conference with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero during a visit to Madrid.

European institutions backed the attendance of Spain, Barroso said, expressing "trust" that Madrid could still be invited.

Spain has stepped up diplomatic activity to get an invitation to the summit, despite not belonging to the G-20 group, upon which the guest list is based.

Spain argues that it is economically important enough to participate in planning the reform of the international financial system, which will be discussed at the summit.

The G-20 includes Russia and the seven most industrialized countries: the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan.

The group also includes large developing economies such as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey. (dpa)

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