Sydney no gay and lesbian nirvana

Sydney - Bashings, verbal abuse, taunts and mockery - such is the harsh reality for gays and lesbians in Sydney, Australia's gay capital and the venue for the world's biggest gay pride street parade.

The travails of homosexuals have changed little in the past decade, according to a study of homophobia released by the New South Wales Attorney-General.

A spokesman, Steven Drew, said over half the 600 homosexuals interviewed for the study reported some form of abuse.

In response to complaints about personal safety, city councillors plan to create what they call "homophobia-free zones" they believe will accord more protection.

Businesses in Oxford Street and other designated zones would be encouraged to identify themselves as gay-friendly. Pubs and clubs where homosexuals had been treated badly would have their licences reviewed.

One councillor, who voted against the plan, is Shayne Mallard. He made the obvious point that "the young men who come in from the outer suburbs to drink alcohol and assault gay people are not going to be deterred by sticker in a window."

Mallard wants to see more police on the beat, more closed-circuit television cameras and patrols by private security companies. (dpa)
